J. Scott Marcus: Publications
that my published work does not
necessarily represent the views of any
current or former employer or client.
Blog posts
J. Scott Marcus, Niclas Frederic Poitiers, and
Pauline Weil (2022), “The decoupling of Russia:
software, media and online services”, https://www.bruegel.org/2022/03/the-decoupling-of-russia-software-media-and-online-services/.
Monika Grzegorczyk, J. Scott Marcus, Niclas
Frederic Poitiers, and Pauline Weil (2022), “The
decoupling of Russia: high-tech goods and components”, https://www.bruegel.org/2022/03/the-decoupling-of-russia-high-tech-goods-and-components/.
J. Scott Marcus and Lionel Guetta-Jeanrenaud
(2021), “What will be the impact of Europe’s next round
of COVID-19 restrictions?” https://www.bruegel.org/2021/12/what-will-be-the-impact-of-europes-next-round-of-covid-19-restrictions/.
Z. Darvas, J. Scott Marcus and A. Tzaras
(2021) ‘Will European Union recovery spending be enough
to fill digital investment gaps?’, https://www.bruegel.org/2021/07/will-european-union-recovery-spending-be-enough-to-fill-digital-investment-gaps/.
J. Scott Marcus and Niclas Poitiers (2021),
“An update: Vaccination in the EU”, https://www.bruegel.org/2021/03/an-update-vaccination-in-the-eu/.
J. Scott Marcus (2021), “Has the European
Union squandered its coronavirus vaccination
opportunity?”, https://www.bruegel.org/2021/01/has-the-european-union-squandered-its-coronavirus-vaccination-opportunity/.
Martin Kahanec, Lukáš Lafférs and J. Scott
Marcus (2020), “The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on
individual mobility”, https://www.bruegel.org/2020/05/the-impact-of-covid-19-restrictions-on-individual-mobility/.
J. Scott Marcus (2020), “Big data versus
COVID-19: opportunities and privacy challenges”, https://www.bruegel.org/2020/03/big-data-versus-covid-19-opportunities-and-privacy-challenges/.
J. Scott Marcus (2019), “Questions to Sylvie
Goulard, Commissioner designate for Internal Market”, https://bruegel.org/2019/09/questions-to-sylvie-goulard-commissioner-designate-for-internal-market/
J. Scott Marcus and Giuseppe Porcaro (2019),
“Jobs and robots: Europe’s Debate Over the Destiny of
the Welfare State”, https://bruegel.org/2019/09/jobs-and-robots-europes-debate-over-the-destiny-of-the-welfare-state/
Mathew Heim and J. Scott Marcus (2019),
“Preliminary observations on the European Commission’s
Android decision”, https://bruegel.org/2018/11/preliminary-observations-on-the-european-commissions-android-decision/
J. Scott Marcus (2019), “Post-Brexit transfers
of personal data: The clock is ticking”, at https://bruegel.org/2018/11/post-brexit-transfers-of-personal-data-the-clock-is-ticking/
J. Scott Marcus (2017), “How good a shield is
Privacy Shield?”,
J. Scott Marcus and Georgios Petropoulos
(2016), “Brexit and its potential impact on
international data transfers”, at https://bruegel.org/2016/08/brexit-and-its-potential-impact-on-international-data-transfers/
J. Scott Marcus (2017), “High expectations for
5G confront practical realities”,
J. Scott Marcus (2016), “Mobile roaming,
Brexit, and unintended consequences”, https://bruegel.org/2016/06/mobile-roaming-brexit-and-unintended-consequences/
Other publications
J. Scott
Marcus (2022), “Achieving joined-up digital policy in the
EU”, working paper, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4074019.
J. Scott
Marcus (2022), “Content Mediation by US Online Platforms:
Dealing with content that is harmful but not illegal”,
working paper, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4047373.
J. Scott
Marcus, Georgios Petropoulos, and Antonio Aloisi (2022),
“COVID-19 and the accelerated shift to technology-enabled
Work from Home (WFH)”,
An earlier version appears at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4025515.
Analytics, Christian Hocepied and J. Scott Marcus (2021),
Study on Regulatory Incentives for the Deployment of Very
High Capacity Networks in the Context of the Revision of
the Commission’s Access Recommendations”, study for the
European Commission, https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/library/study-regulatory-incentives-deploying-very-high-capacity-networks-commissions-access
J. Scott
Marcus, Lorrayne Porciuncula, Maximilian Reisch, and
Verena Weber (2021), “Broadband Policy and Technology
Developments”, study for the OECD, https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/science-and-technology/oecd-digital-economy-papers_20716826.
J. Scott
Marcus, Niclas Frederic Poitiers, Norman Röhner, Jacques
Pelkmans, Lionel Guetta-Jeanrenaud, Monika Grzegorczyk,
Sophie Buckingham and Fernando Hortal Foronda (2021), “The
impact of COVID-19 on the Internal Market”, European
Parliament, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document/IPOL_STU(2021)658219.
Dahlberg, Sigurd Næss-Schmidt, Laura Virtanen, J. Scott
Marcus, Mattia Di Salvo, Jacques Pelkmans, Virginia Dalla
Pozza and Katarina Kubovicova (2020), “Legal obstacles in
Member States to Single Market rules”, European
Parliament, PE 658.189, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document/IPOL_STU(2020)658189.
Procee, René Arnold, J. Scott Marcus, Davide Fina,
Jonathan Lennartz, Snezha Kazakova and Elissavet
Lykogianni (2020), “Study on the impacts of the extension
of the scope of the Geoblocking Regulation to audiovisual
and non-audiovisual services giving access to copyright
protected content”, study for the European Commission (DG
J. Scott
Marcus (2020), “Promoting product longevity: How can
the EU product safety and compliance framework help
promote product durability and tackle planned
obsolescence, foster the production of more sustainable
products, and achieve more transparent supply chains for
consumers?”, study for the IMCO Committee of the European
Parliament, at https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2020/648767/IPOL_STU(2020)648767_EN.pdf.
Lorrayne Porciuncula, Verena Weber, Alexia Gonzalez Fanfalone, Maximilian Reisch, J. Scott Marcus, and multiple additional authors (2020), “Telecommunication and Broadcasting Review of Brazil”, OECD.
J. Scott
Marcus (2020), “Broadband Policy and Technology
Developments: Review of the 2004 OECD Recommendation”,
study for the OECD.
Procee, René Arnold, J. Scott Marcus, Davide Fina,
Jonathan Lennartz, Snezha Kazakova and Elissavet Lykogiann
(2020, forthcoming), “Study on the impacts of the
extension of the scope of the Geoblocking Regulation to
audiovisual and non-audiovisual services giving access to
copyright protected content”, study for the European
Commission (DG CNECT).
J. Scott
Marcus (2019), “To the commissioner responsible for
Digital services, content and networks”, in in Braver,
Greener, Fairer: Memos to the EU leadership 2019-2024,
Bruegel, https://bruegel.org/2019/09/memos-2019/
J. Scott
Marcus, Catarina Midões and Adriaan Schout (2019), “To the
commissioner responsible for Better regulation”, in
Braver, Greener, Fairer: Memos to the EU leadership
2019-2024, Bruegel, https://bruegel.org/2019/09/memos-2019/
Pujol, Carole Manero, Samuel Ropert, Ariane Enjalbal, Tony
Lavender, Val Jervis, Richard Rudd and J. Scott Marcus
(2019), “Study on using millimetre waves bands for the
deployment of the 5G ecosystem in the Union”, study for
the European Commission, at https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/68f2074c-af4f-11e9-9d01-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-search.
Petropoulos, J. Scott Marcus, Nicolas Moës and Enrico
Bergamini (2019), Digitalisation and European welfare
states, Bruegel, at https://bruegel.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Bruegel_Blueprint_30_ONLINE.pdf.
Godlovitch, René Arnold, Christin-Isabel Gries, J. Scott
Marcus, and Serpil Taş (2019), “Technological developments
and roaming”, study for the European Commission.
Zachmann and J. Scott Marcus (2019), “Digitalisation and
sustainability”, white paper for the European Commission,
J. Scott
Marcus, Georgios Petropoulos, and Timothy Yeung (2019),
“Contribution to growth: The European Digital Single
Market: Delivering economic benefits for citizens and
businesses”, study IP/A/IMCO/IC/2018-012 for the IMCO
Committee of the European Parliament, PE 631.044.
J. Scott
Marcus (2018), “Liability: When Things Go Wrong in an
Increasingly Interconnected and Autonomous World: A
European View”, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
December 2018, at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=8717593.
G. Gach, J.
S. Marcus, and B. Wyler (2018), “Study on the Architecture
of On-Board Radio Communication Equipment”, study for the
European Union Agency for Railways.
J. Scott
Marcus and Gabor Molnar (2017), “Network Sharing and 5G in
Europe: The Potential Benefits of Using SDN or NFV”, in
DigiWorld Economic Journal, IDATE, https://bruegel.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/DWEJ-108_MARCUS_MOLNAR-1.pdf.
An earlier version was ”, presented at ITS Europe in
Passau, at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID3007398_code333755.pdf?abstractid=3007398&mirid=1.
James Allen,
Andrew Daly, J. Scott Marcus, David de Antonio Monte,
Robert Woolfson (2017), “Study on net‑neutrality
regulation: Final public report for BEREC”, 18 September
2017, Ref: 2009152-254, BoR (17) 159 at: http://berec.europa.eu/eng/news_and_publications/whats_new/4539-berec-publishes-study-on-net-neutrality-regulation-in-chile-india-and-usa.
Pushparatnam, Guillaume Gach, J. Scott Marcus, Catherine
Maton (2017), “Study on Implications of the bearer
independent communication concept”, study for the European
Railway Agency (ERA), http://www.era.europa.eu/Document-Register/Documents/ERA_2016_17_RS_Final_Report.pdf.
J. Scott Marcus, John Morales and Georgios Petropoulos
(2017), “Strengthening cross-border e-commerce in the
European Union”, in Remaking Europe: The New Manufacturing
as an Engine for Growth, ed. Reinhilde Veugelers, Bruegel,
at http://bruegel.org/2017/09/remaking-europe/.
J. Scott
Marcus and Christian Wernick (2017), “Economic
Implications of Further Harmonisation of Electronic
Communications Regulation in the EU”, intereconomics,
see https://archive.intereconomics.eu/year/2017/4/economic-implications-of-further-harmonisation-of-electronic-communications-regulation-in-the-eu/.
Earlier versions appeared as J. Scott Marcus, Christian
Wernick, Tseveen Gantumur, and Christin Gries (2017),
„Ökonomische Chancen und Risiken einer weit-reichenden
Harmonisierung und Zentralisierung der TK-Regulierung in
Europa“ (German only), WIK research study for the German
BNetzA. See also J. Scott Marcus and Tseveen Gantumur
(2015), “Economic Implications of Further Harmonisation of
Electronic Communications Regulation in the EU”, at SSRN:
J. Scott
Marcus, Georgios Petropoulos, André Sapir, Simone
Tagliapietra, Alessio Terzi, Reinhilde Veugelers, and
Georg Zachmann (2017), “Review of EU-third country
cooperation on policies falling within the ITRE domain in
relation to Brexit”, study for the European Parliament,
IP/A/ITRE/2017-001, PE 602.057, at http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document.html?reference=IPOL_STU(2017)602057.
J. Scott
Marcus, Veronica Bocarova, and Georgios Petropoulos
(2017), “Incentives for Investment in Fast Broadband: How
Much Can Be Expected from the Proposed European Code?”
presented at ITS Europe, at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID3007395_code333755.pdf?abstractid=3007395&mirid=1.
J. Scott
Marcus, Georgios Petropoulos, and Toshiya Jitsuzumi
(2017), “Strengthening e-commerce
in the Asia Pacific region: Opportunities and challenges”,
presented at the ITS Asia-Pacific conference, Kyoto,
J. Scott
Marcus, Robert C. Clarke, and Georgios Petropoulos (2017),
“Addressing over-pricing of international mobile roaming
(IMR) services in the Asia Pacific region”, presented at
the ITS Asia-Pacific conference, Kyoto, Japan. An earlier
version, “Investigating the Role of International Mobile
Roaming (IMR) for ASEAN” was presented at the National
University of Singapore in 2016.
J. Scott
Marcus and Georgios Petropoulos (2017), “Geo-Blocking of
Goods That Require Cross-Border Delivery: A Preliminary
View on EU Policy Considerations”, presented at the
Rutgers/EUI FSR conference on postal economics in
Barcelona, at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID3007578_code333755.pdf?abstractid=3007578&mirid=1.
J. Scott
Marcus, Ulrich Stumpf, Peter Kroon, Stefano Lucidi, Lorenz
Nett, Veronica Bocarova, Philippe Defraigne, Peter Dunn,
Christian Hocepied, Hervé Jacquemin, and Robert Queck
(2017), “Substantive issues for review in the areas of
market entry, management of scarce resources and general
end-user issues”, Final Report, study for the European
Commission, at https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/substantive-issues-review-areas-market-entry-management-scarce-resources-and-general-end-user-0.
J. Scott
Marcus and Georgios Petropoulos (2017), “E-Commerce in
Europe: Parcel Delivery Prices in a Digital Single
Market”, in The Changing Postal and Delivery Sector:
Towards a Renaissance, Springer, ed. Michael Crew,
Pier Luigi Parcu, and Timothy Brennan. An earlier version
appear as Bruegel Policy Contribution 2016/09, at http://bruegel.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/pc_2016_09.pdf,
and a derivative work was presented at the ITS Europe
conference in Cambridge, UK.
J. Scott
Marcus and Georgios Petropoulos (2017), “Extending the
scope of the geo-blocking prohibition: An economic
assessment”, study for the IMCO Committee of the European
Parliament, IP/A/IMCO/2016-15, PE 595.364, at: http://bruegel.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/IPOL_IDA2017595364_EN.pdf.
Lovan Pushparatnam, Guillaume Gach, J. Scott Marcus, Catherine Maton (2017), "Study on Implications of the bearer independent communication concept", study for the European Railway Agency (ERA), http://www.era.europa.eu/Document-Register/Documents/ERA_2016_17_RS_Final_Report.pdf.
J. Scott
Marcus, John Morales and Georgios Petropoulos (2017),
“Strengthening cross-border e-commerce in the European
Union”, in Remaking Europe: The New Manufacturing as
an Engine for Growth, ed. Reinhilde Veugelers,
Bruegel, at http://bruegel.org/2017/09/remaking-europe/.
J. Scott
Marcus and Christian Wernick (2017), “Economic
Implications of Further Harmonisation of Electronic
Communications Regulation in the EU”, intereconomics,
see https://archive.intereconomics.eu/year/2017/4/economic-implications-of-further-harmonisation-of-electronic-communications-regulation-in-the-eu/.
Earlier versions appeared as J. Scott Marcus, Christian
Wernick, Tseveen Gantumur, and Christin Gries (2017),
„Ökonomische Chancen und Risiken einer weit-reichenden
Harmonisierung und Zentralisierung der TK-Regulierung in
Europa“ (German only), WIK research study for the
German BNetzA. See also J. Scott Marcus and Tseveen
Gantumur (2015), “Economic Implications of Further
Harmonisation of Electronic Communications Regulation in
the EU”, at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2624617.
J. Scott
Marcus, Georgios Petropoulos, André Sapir, Simone
Tagliapietra, Alessio Terzi, Reinhilde Veugelers, and
Georg Zachmann (2017), “Review of EU-third country
cooperation on policies falling within the ITRE domain in
relation to Brexit”, study for the European Parliament,
IP/A/ITRE/2017-001, PE 602.057, at http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document.html?reference=IPOL_STU(2017)602057.
J. Scott
Marcus and Gabor Molnar (2017), “Network Sharing and 5G in
Europe: The Potential Benefits of Using SDN or NFV”,
presented at ITS Europe in Passau, at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID3007398_code333755.pdf?abstractid=3007398&mirid=1.
J. Scott
Marcus, Veronica Bocarova, and Georgios Petropoulos
(2017), “Incentives for Investment in Fast Broadband: How
Much Can Be Expected from the Proposed European Code?”
presented at ITS Europe, at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID3007395_code333755.pdf?abstractid=3007395&mirid=1.
J. Scott
Marcus, Georgios Petropoulos, and Toshiya Jitsuzumi
(2017), Strengthening e-commerce in the Asia Pacific
region: Opportunities and challenges”, presented at the
ITS Asia-Pacific conference, Kyoto, Japan.
J. Scott
Marcus, Robert C. Clarke, and Georgios Petropoulos (2017),
“Addressing over-pricing of international mobile roaming
(IMR) services in the Asia Pacific region”, presented at
the ITS Asia-Pacific conference, Kyoto, Japan. An earlier
version, “Investigating the Role of International Mobile
Roaming (IMR) for ASEAN” was presented at the National
University of Singapore in 2016.
J. Scott
Marcus and Georgios Petropoulos (2017), “Geo-Blocking of
Goods That Require Cross-Border Delivery: A Preliminary
View on EU Policy Considerations”, presented at the
Rutgers/EUI FSR conference on postal economics in
Barcelona, at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID3007578_code333755.pdf?abstractid=3007578&mirid=1.
J. Scott
Marcus, Ulrich Stumpf, Peter Kroon, Stefano Lucidi, Lorenz
Nett, Veronica Bocarova, Philippe Defraigne, Peter Dunn,
Christian Hocepied, Hervé Jacquemin, and Robert Queck
(2017), “Substantive issues for review in the areas of
market entry, management of scarce resources and general
end-user issues”, Final Report, study for the European
Commission, at https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/substantive-issues-review-areas-market-entry-management-scarce-resources-and-general-end-user-0.
J. Scott
Marcus and Georgios Petropoulos (2017), “E-Commerce in
Europe: Parcel Delivery Prices in a Digital Single
Market”, in The
Changing Postal and Delivery Sector: Towards a
Renaissance, Springer, ed. Michael Crew, Pier Luigi
Parcu, and Timothy Brennan. An earlier version appear as
Bruegel Policy Contribution 2016/09, at http://bruegel.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/pc_2016_09.pdf,
and a derivative work was presented at the ITS Europe
conference in Cambridge, UK.
J. Scott
Marcus and Georgios Petropoulos (2017), “Extending the
scope of the geo-blocking prohibition: An economic
assessment”, study for the IMCO Committee of the European
Parliament, IP/A/IMCO/2016-15, PE 595.364, at: http://bruegel.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/IPOL_IDA2017595364_EN.pdf.
J. Scott
Marcus (2016), “New Network Neutrality Rules in Europe:
Comparisons to those in the U.S.”, Colorado Technology
and Law Journal.
J. Scott
Marcus and Georgios Petropoulos (2016), “Challenging
Prospects for Roam
Like at Home (RLAH)”, Bruegel.
Maton, Lovan Pushparatnam, J. Scott Marcus et al. (2016),
"Study on migration of railway radio communication system
from GSM-R to other solutions", on behalf of the European
Railway Agency (ERA), at http://www.era.europa.eu/Document-Register/Pages/Study-on-Implications-of-the-bearer-independent-communication-concept.aspx.
René C.G. Arnold,
J. Scott Marcus, Martin Waldburger, Anna Schneider,
Bastian Moraasch, and Frieder Schmid (2016), “All but
Neutral: Citizen Responses to the European Commission’s
Public Consultations on Network Neutrality”, in Net Neutrality
Compendium: Human Rights, Free Competition, and the
Future of the Internet, Springer, ed. Luca Belli and
Primavera di Filippi.
J. Scott
Marcus, Christin Gries, Christian Wernick, and Imme
Philbeck (2016), Entwicklungen im internationalen Mobile
Roaming unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Struktureller
Lösungen (Developments in international mobile roaming
with special consideration of structural solutions), WIK
study for the German BNetzA.
J. Scott
Marcus and Martin
Waldburger (2015), Identifying Harm to the Best Efforts
Internet (June 29, 2015). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2624604.
J. Scott
Marcus and Frédéric
Pujol (2015), “Evolution of GSM-R”, a study on behalf of
the European Railway Agency (ERA), at http://www.era.europa.eu/Document-Register/Pages/Study-for-the-evolution-of-GSM-R-%28by-IDATE-WIK%29.aspx.
J. Scott
Marcus, Christin-Isabel
Gries and Robert Clarke (2015), Consultation and Report on
“International Mobile Roaming (IMR) across the Gulf
Corporation Council (GCC) Region” prepared for the Gulf
Corporation Council (GCC) Roaming Working Group. Report
available at http://www.tra.org.bh/media/document/final-report-imr-across-gcc1.pdf.
J. Scott
Marcus and Richard
Shockey (2015), "Review of Resource Public Key
Infrastructure (RPKI) to verify ownership and authenticity
of telephone caller ID over Voice over Internet Protocol",
a study for the UK NRA Ofcom, at http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/market-data-research/other/technology-research/2015-reports/rpki/.
J. Scott
Marcus, "Network
Neutrality Revisited: Challenges and Responses in the EU
and in the US", a study on behalf of the European
Parliament's IMCO Committee, 2014, IP/A/IMCO/2014-02, PE
518.751, available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2014/518751/IPOL_STU%282014%29518751_EN.pdf.
J. Scott
Marcus, Francesco
Caio and Gérard Pogorel (with help of Vittorio Trecordi
and Valerio Zingarelli) (2014), "Achieving the Objectives
of the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) in Italy: Prospects
and Challenges", a study on behalf of Prime Minister
Enrico Letta, available at: http://www.governo.it/backoffice/allegati/74621-9208.pdf.
J. Scott
Marcus and Dieter
Elixmann (2014), “Build it! ... but what if they don't
come?” in info, special issue: A digital agenda in search
of evidence, Vol. 16 Iss: 1, pp.62 – 75.
J. Scott
Marcus (2014), “The Economic Impact of
Internet Traffic Growth on Network Operators”, October
2014, available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2531782.
With Janne
Sylvest, Hanne Shapiro, Dieter Elixmann, Benita Kidmose
Rytz and Kasper Damgaard Johansen (2014), “How can
European industry contribute to growth and foster European
competitiveness?” study for the European Parliament, ITRE
Committee, September 2014.
Off-Loading von Datenverkehr in drahtlose Netze und
EMF-Bedenken, Dezember 2013, in EMF-Spectrum, Vol. 4.,
3/2013, ISSN 2190-9393, p.31-33.
With Michael
Dinges, Helmut Gassler, Dieter Elixmann and
Christin-Isabel Gries: “SMEs Participation under Horizon
2020”, available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2013/518738/IPOL-ITRE_ET(2013)518738_EN.pdf.
With Ilsa
Godlovitch, Pieter Nooren, Bram van den Ende, Jonathan
Cave and Werner Neu: “How to Build a Ubiquitous EU Digital
Society”, November 2013, available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2013/518736/IPOL-ITRE_ET(2013)518736_EN.pdf.
J. Scott
Marcus (2013), “The need
for PPDR Broadband Spectrum”, study on behalf of TCCA,
available at: http://www.tandcca.com/Library/Documents/Broadband/WIK%20report%20on%20PPDR%20Spectrum.pdf.
J. Scott
Marcus, Ilsa Godlovitch,
Pieter Nooren, Dieter Eilxmann and Bram van den Ende with
the support of Prof Jonathan Cave: „Entertainment x.0 to
boost Broadband Deployment“, study on behalf of the European
Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy;
October 2013, available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/document/activities/cont/201310/20131017ATT72946/20131017ATT72946EN.pdf.
Fleur van Veenstra, J. Scott Marcus, Jonathan
Cave, Noor Huijboom, Dieter Elixmann, Annette Hillebrand,
Rebecca Schindler and Veronica Horvath: “Ubiquitous
Developments of the Digital Single Market”, study on behalf
of the European Parliament's Committee on Internal Market
and Consumer Protection, October 2013, available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2013/507481/IPOL-IMCO_ET(2013)507481_EN.pdf.
J. Scott
Marcus and Burns, J.
(2013), Impact of traffic off-loading and related
technological trends on the demand for wireless broadband
spectrum; study for the European Commission, see http://bookshop.europa.eu/en/study-on-impact-of-traffic-off-loading-and-related-technological-trends-on-the-demand-for-wireless-broadband-spectrum-pbKK0113239/ (no charge)
J. Scott
Marcus, Imme Philbeck
and Christin-Isabel Gries (2013), “Structural solutions
and the evolution of international mobile roaming (IMR) in
Europe: Where are we headed?”, presented at ITS Europe.
J. Scott
Marcus and Ilsa
Godlovitch (2013), “Mobile traffic off-load and
fixed-mobile competition”, presented at ITS Europe.
J. Scott
Marcus, Gérard Pogorel and
Frédérick Pujol, (ed.): Introduction to “The radio
spectrum: A shift in paradigms?”, Communications &
Strategies No. 90/2nd quarter 2013.
J. Scott
Marcus and Federico
Kuhlmann (2013), Broadband Plans in Latin America: Common
Challenges, Diverse Solutions: Comparison of Mexico and
Costa Rica (May 13, 2013). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=
J. Scott
Marcus and Dieter
Elixmann, Build it! ... But What If They Don't Come? (March
13, 2013). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=
Cave, Rebecca Schindler, Neil Robinson, Veronika Horvath,
Sophie Castle-Clarke, Arnold Roosendaal, and Bas Kotterink,
with J. Scott Marcus and Joanna Chataway for quality
assurance review, “Data Protection Review: Impact on EU
Innovation and Competitiveness”, study on behalf of the
European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and
Energy, December 2012, available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/studiesdownload.html?languageDocument=EN&file=78970
J. Scott
Marcus (2012), “Revising
the ITRs: A European policy perspective”, 30 September 2012.
J. Scott
Marcus and Dieter
Elixmann (2012), "Re-thinking the Digital Agenda for Europe
(DAE): A richer choice of technologies", report on behalf of
Liberty Global, September 2012, available at:
J. Scott
Marcus, John Burns,
Frédéric Pujol and Phillipa Marks: “Inventory and review of
spectrum use: Assessment of the EU potential for improving
spectrum efficiency”, report on behalf of the European
Commission, September 2012, available at:
J. Scott
Marcus, Pieter Nooren
and Imme Philbeck: “State of the Art - Mobile Internet
Connectivity and its Impact on e-Commerce, report for the
European Parliament's Committee on Internal Market and
Consumer Protection, July 2012, available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/de/studiesdownload.html?languageDocument=EN&file=75195
J. Scott
Marcus, Imme Philbeck, Jasper Mikkelsen, and Werner
Neu, “Trans-Tasman Roaming: Service Costs”, a study for the
Australian Department of Broadband, Communications and the
Digital Economy and the New Zealand Ministry of Business,
Innovation and Employment (MBIE), 30 May 2012, available at:
J. Scott
Marcus (2012),
“Structured Legislation – Toward the Synthesis of Better Law
and Regulation of Electronic Communications”. In
Legisprudence, International journal for the study of
legislation, Vol. 6, No 1, 2012, p 1-33.
J. Scott
Marcus and Prof. Rekha
Jain (2012): “Fast Broadband Deployment in India – What role
for cable television?”, presented at ITS Regional Conference
in New Delhi, February 2012 [The India cable paper is being
presented on 23 February 2012].
Scott Marcus, quality
assurance review for a study “Does it help or hinder?
Promotion of Innovation on the Internet and Citizens’ Right
to Privacy”, study on behalf of the European Parliament's
Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, December 2011,
available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/fr/studiesdownload.html?languageDocument=EN&file=65871
Scott Marcus, “Network
Operators and Content Providers: Who Bears the Cost?”
(September 13, 2011). Available at SSRN: http://www.ssrn.com/abstract=1926768
or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1926768
Scott Marcus, Stephen
Adshead, Phillipa Marks, Gilles Fontaine, Kenneth R. Carter,
James Kahan and Andra Leurdijk (30 May 2011): “Impact
Assessment integrating ex ante evaluation requirements in
view of the preparation of a proposal for the next MEDIA
Programme after 2013”, Report for the European Commission.
Scott Marcus, John
Burns, Val Jervis, Reinhard Wählen, Kenneth R. Carter, Imme
Philbeck and Prof. Dr. Peter Vary (2010): “PPDR Spectrum
Harmonisation in Germany, Europe and Globally”, December
2010, available at:
Scott Marcus, Cave,
Martin, Andrea Renda and Tony Shortall (2010): “Monitoring
EU Telecoms Policy”, NEREC, October 2010, available at: http://www.nerec.es/wp-content/uploads/Monitoring-EU-Telecoms-Policy-2010.pdf
Scott Marcus, Juan Rendon Schneir (2010): "Drivers and
Effects of the Size and Composition of Telecoms Regulatory
Agencies", presented at ITS Europe, Copenhagen, September
2010, available at: http://www.ssrn.com/abstract=1675705.
Scott Marcus, “New
Directions for U.S. Telecommunications Regulation? The
Comcast decision and the 'Third Way'”, presented at ITS
Europe, Copenhagen, September 2010, available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1656570.
Scott Marcus, Marieke
Klaver (TNO), Gabriela Bodea (TNO), Annette Hillebrand, and
Peter Stamm, “The role of ENISA in contributing to a
coherent and enhanced structure of network and information
security in the EU and internationally”, study for the
European Parliament, available at:
Scott Marcus, Pieter
Nooren (TNO) and Jonathan Cave (RAND), "Network Neutrality:
Challenges and responses in the EU and in the U.S." study
for the European Parliament, available at:
Scott Marcus and Imme Philbeck, “Study on the Options for
addressing Competition Problems in the EU Roaming Market”,
available at: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/roaming/regulation/consult2011/index_en.htm
Scott Marcus and Dieter
Elixmann: International Regulatory Comparisons: The
evolution of IP-based fiber, in: Gentzoglanis, A. and A.
Henten (eds.): Regulation and the Evolution of the Global
telecommunications Industry, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.,
Cheltenham (UK), 2010
Scott Marcus, Christian
Growitsch and Christian Wernick, "The Effects of Lower
Mobile Termination Rates (MTRs) on Retail Price and Demand",
a research project for the German BNetzA, available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1586464.
Scott Marcus, Dieter
Elixmann and Christian Wernick, "Next Generation Networks
(NGNs)", a report for the ITRE Committee of the European
Parliament, available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies/download.do?language=en&file=27911
Scott Marcus, Reto
Bleisch (2009), “International Experience with Vertical
Separation in Telecommunications – The Case of New Zealand”,
ITS Bahrain, 2009, available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1587438.
Scott Marcus, Ingo
Vogelsang, Juan Rendon, Werner Neu, Dieter Elixmann,
Francisco Fuentes, Christian Wernick, Thomas Plückebaum,
Klaus Hackbarth, "Interconnection in Next Generation
Networks (NGNs)", a study for the Peruvian regulator
OSIPTEL, August, 2009, available in English and Spanish at:
Scott Marcus, John
Burns, Phillipa Marks, Frédéric Pujol, and senior expert
Prof. Martin Cave, “Optimising the Public Sector’s Use of
the Radio Spectrum in the European Union”,
Report: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/ecomm/radio_spectrum/_document_storage/studies/pus_2008/pus_study_2008_1_finalreport.pdf
Annex: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/ecomm/radio_spectrum/_document_storage/studies/pus_2008/pus_study_2008_2_annex.pdf.
Scott Marcus and Kenneth R. Carter,
Improving the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Spectrum Use
by the Public Sector: Lessons from Europe, (37th Research
Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy
(TPRC), Washington, DC, Saturday, 26 September 2009),
available at:
Scott Marcus and Christian Wernick, "Separation of Telstra:
Economic considerations, international experience", WIK,
2June 2009, a study for the Australian Competitive Carriers'
Coalition, available at: http://www.ccc.asn.au/www/589/1001127/displayarticle/1001196.html.
See also "Australia: Fibre Build-Out, Regulatory Reform" in
WIK Newsletter 75, June 2009, available at: http://www.wik.org/content/newsletter/nr75.pdf.
Scott Marcus, Kenneth
R. Carter and Christian Wernick, Network Neutrality:
Implications for Europe, WIK, January 2009. Available at: http://www.wik.org/index.php?id=diskussionsbeitraegedetails&tx_ttnews%5Bcat%5D=4&tx_ttnews%5Byear%5D=2008&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=93&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=698&cHash=60265e529804fb78ce8fd840fa977c9b.
Scott Marcus, "IP-Based
NGNs and Interconnection: The Debate in Europe",
Communications & Strategies, No. 72, p. 17, 4th Quarter
2008, available at: http://www.ssrn.com/abstract=1373706.
J. Scott
Marcus, Jonathan Cave, Kenneth R. Carter, Dieter
Elixmann, and Stephen Simmons (2008), “Tuning the Innovation
System: Final Report (D4) of the Study of the Impacts of
IST-RTD on Key Strategic Objectives Related to Growth and
Jobs”, 27 February 2008, available at http://ec.europa.eu/smart-regulation/evaluation/search/download.do;jsessionid=kJnSTTWT9hS9N2XrcBXC5YkW9fsJ5C9QwXVJGwyhDVydtwXsptD7!1601440011?documentId=1466.
J. Scott
Marcus, Dieter Elixmann,
Kenneth R. Carter, and senior experts Scott Bradner, Klaus
Hackbarth, Bruno Jullien, Gabriele Kulenkampff, Karl-Heinz
Neumann, Antonio Portilla, Patrick Rey, and Ingo Vogelsang,
“The Future of IP Interconnection: Technical, Economic, and
Public Policy Aspects”, a study prepared for the European
Commission, 29 January 2008, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/ecomm/doc/library/ext_studies/future_ip_intercon/ip_intercon_study_final.pdf.
J. Scott
Marcus (2008), "Network
Neutrality: The Roots of the Debate in the United States", Intereconomics,
Volume 43, Number 1, January 2008. See: http://www.springerlink.com/content/g37k162urx11/?p=1a363b658dfb4d95accaecba21b38d5f&pi=0
J. Scott
Marcus, Dieter Elixmann,
Christian Wernick, and the support of Cullen International,
The Regulation of Voice over IP (VoIP) in Europe, a study
prepared for the European Commission, 19 March 2008,
available at: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/ecomm/doc/library/ext_studies/voip_f_f_master_19mar08_fin_vers.pdf.
d’ailleurs : « des réformes indiscutables, mais... »”, in La Lettre de l'Autorité
(newsletter of the French ARCEP), Number 60, March-April
2008, at
Available in English courtesy of the ARCEP as “The European
Regulatory Framework: An International Perspective on the
Review”, at http://www.mynetcologne.de/%7Enc-marcusjs/ARCEP_Euro_Reg_Framework.pdf.
J. Scott
Marcus, Dieter Elixmann,
Antonio Portilla Figueras, Klaus Hackbarth, Péter Nagy,
Zoltán Pápai, and Mark Scanlan, The Regulation of Next
Generation Networks (NGN), 10 May 2007, a study for the
Hungarian NHH, available at:
J. Scott
Marcus and Dieter
Elixmann, “Regulatory Approaches to Next Generation Networks
(NGNs): An International Comparison”, forthcoming in
Communications and Strategies in early 2008. A preliminary
version was presented at TRPC 2007, Washington, DC, and is
available at:
Scott Marcus, Neil
Robinson, Joel Reidenberg, Yves Poullet, Adam Peake, Kenneth
Carter, , Lisa Klautzer, Chris Marsden, Florence De
Villenfagne, Franck Dumortier, Camilla Abder, Cedric Burton,
Lisa Cooms, Ezra Kover, Keisuke Kamimura, and Tazuko Tanaka,
Comparison of Privacy and Trust Policies in the Area of
Electronic Communications, a study prepared for the European
Commission, available at:
Scott Marcus, “Interconnection
an an IP-based NGN environment”, a chapter in ITU’s Global
Trends 2007, presented at the ITU Global Symposium for
Regulators, Dubai, 6 Feb 2007, available at: http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/treg/Events/Seminars/GSR/GSR07/discussion_papers/JScott_Marcus_Interconnection_IP-based.pdf.
Scott Marcus and Peter
Stamm, “Kabelinternet in Deutschland” (German only), a study
of the causes of slow deployment and adoption of broadband
Internet access over cable undertaken on behalf of the
Deutscher Kabelverband, 24 November 2006, available at:
Scott Marcus, John
Burns, Paul Hansen, Michael Marcus, Phillipa Marks, Frédéric
Pujol, and Mark Redman, "Study on Legal, Economic, &
Technical Aspects of 'Collective Use' of Spectrum in the
European Community", a study on behalf of the European
Commission, November 2006, available at:
Scott Marcus, “Voice
over IP (VoIP) and Access to Emergency Services: A
Comparison between the U.S. and the UK”, IEEE Communications
Magazine, August 2006, available at: http://www.comsoc.org/livepubs/ci1/public/2006/aug/cireg.html.
Scott Marcus, “Beyond
Layers”, May 2006, available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=901477
Scott Marcus, "WIK
Workshop on 'Bill and Keep' Interconnection Arrangements", a
summary of WIK's ground-breaking April 2006 workshop, in
WIK's newsletter number 63, April 2006, pages 11-15,
available in English at:
http://www.wik.org/content/newsletter/nr63.pdf. The
presentations from the workshop are available at:
Scott Marcus, "Framework
for Interconnection of IP-Based Networks -- Accounting
Systems and Interconnection Regimes in the USA and the UK",
a background paper prepared for the German Federal Network
Agency's study group on a Framework for Interconnection of
IP-Based Networks, 27 March 2006, available at:
Scott Marcus, “Interconnection
in an NGN Environment”, a background paper commissioned for
the ITU New Initiatives Programme workshop on “What rules
for IP-enabled Next Generation Networks?” held on 23-24
March 2006 at ITU Headquarters, Geneva. Available at:
available as WIK Discussion Paper 274 (see http://www.wik.org/index.php?id=diskussionsbeitraegedetails&tx_ttnews%5Bcat%5D=4&tx_ttnews%5Byear%5D=2006&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=93&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=112&cHash=3f24f31582f78b048e8557976c3d9bf7).
Scott Marcus, UNREDACTED
declaration as an expert witness in Hepting et. al. versus
AT&T Corp. ("EFF's Class-Action Lawsuit Against AT&T
for Collaboration with Illegal Domestic Spying Program"),
available at: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/att/SER_marcus_decl.pdf.
Scott Marcus, Lorenz
Nett, Mark Scanlan, Ulrich Stumpf, Martin Cave and Gerard
Pogorel, Towards More Flexible Spectrum Regulation, a WIK
study for the German BNetzA. Available at: http://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/media/archive/4745.pdf.
Also available in German. The ITU published a condensed
version under the title Towards More Flexible Spectrum
Regulation and its relevance for the German market for their
workshop on "The Regulatory Environment for Future Mobile
Multimedia Services", Mainz, Germany, June 22-23 2006,
available at:
Scott Marcus, "Conference
Notes: NGN and Emerging Markets - Investment, Infrastructure
and Innovation", notes from a BNetzA-sponsored workshop that
took place on 5 December 2005 in Königswinter, Germany.
Report completed February 2006. Available at: http://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/media/archive/5439.pdf.
Scott Marcus, “Is
the U.S. Dancing to a Different Drummer?” Communications &
Strategies, no. 60, 4th quarter 2005. Available at: http://www.idate.fr/fic/revue_telech/132/CS60%20MARCUS.pdf.
Also available in intermedia
(the journal of the International Institute of
Communications), vol. 34, no.3, July/August 2006.
Scott Marcus, “Beyond
Layers”, May 2006, available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=901477.
Scott Marcus and Justus Haucap, “Why
Regulate? Lessons from New Zealand”, IEEE Communications
Magazine, November 2005, at:
(click on "Regulatory and Policy").
Scott Marcus and Douglas
C. Sicker, “Layers Revisited”, presented at TPRC, September
2005, available at: http://web.si.umich.edu/tprc/papers/2005/492/Layers%20Revisited%20v0.4.pdf.
Scott Marcus, “Broadband
Adoption in Europe”, IEEE
Communications Magazine, April 2005, available at:
(click on "Regulatory and Policy" on the left margin of the
Scott Marcus, “The
Challenge of Telephone Call Termination Fees”, Enterprise
Europe, January 2005. Available at: http://www.european-enterprise.org/public/docs/EEJ.pdf.
Scott Marcus, “Universal
Service in a Changing World”, IEEE Communications Magazine,
January 2005, available at:
(click on "Regulatory and Policy" on the left margin of the
Scott Marcus, “Europe’s
New Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications in
Action”, presented at the 4th ZEW Conference on the
Economics of Information and Communication Technologies,
Mannheim, Germany, July 2004. Available at: ftp://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/div/IKT04/Paper_Marcus_Invited.pdf.
Scott Marcus, “Call
Termination Fees: The U.S. in global perspective”,
presented at the 4th ZEW Conference on the Economics of
Information and Communication Technologies, Mannheim,
Germany, July 2004. Available at: ftp://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/div/IKT04/Paper_Marcus_Parallel_Session.pdf.
Scott Marcus, “Evolving
Core Capabilities of the Internet”, Journal on
Telecommunications and High Technology Law, 2004.
Scott Marcus, Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) Office of Strategic Planning
and Policy Analysis (OSP) Working Paper 36, “The Potential
Relevance to the United States of the European Union’s Newly
Adopted Regulatory Framework for Telecommunications,” July
2002, available at http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-224213A2.pdf.
The article and derivative works also appear in: Rethinking Rights and
Regulations: Institutional Responses to New
Communications Technologies, Ed. Lorrie Faith Cranor
and Steven S. Wildman, MIT Press, 2003; in the Journal on
Telecommunications and High Technology Law 111 (2003); and
in the 2004 Annual Review of the European Competitive
Telecommunications Association (ECTA).
Scott Marcus, Jean-Jacques
Laffont, Patrick Rey, and Jean Tirole, IDE-I, Toulouse,
“Internet interconnection and the off-net-cost pricing
principle”, RAND
Journal of Economics, Vol. 34, No. 2, Summer 2003.
An earlier version of the paper appeared as “Internet
Peering”, American
Economics Review, Volume 91, Number 2, May 2001.
Scott Marcus,
Designing Wide Area Networks and Internetworks: A
Practical Guide, Addison Wesley, 1999.
Scott Marcus, “Internet
Hardware and Software”, Proc. IEEE Electro ’96,
Scott Marcus, “Icaros,
Alice, and the OSF DME”, Proc. of ISINM ’95. An earlier version
appeared in Proc.
Fifth IFIP International Workshop on Distributed Systems:
Operations and Management (DSOM ‘94), October 1994, at
Scott Marcus, “OSI
Network Integration:Seamless, or Seamy?”, Proc. of the
International Space Year (ISY) Conference on Earth and
Space Science Information Systems (ESSIS), February
Scott Marcus, and Robert Lent, “An
Implementation Architecture for UNIX™ STREAMS-Based
Communications Software”, Nixdorf technical report.
Scott Marcus, “Why
an SNA PU 5?”, Nixdorf technical report.
Scott Marcus, “KNET:A
TCP/IP for the IBM/370”, Proc. IEEE Infocom ‘87, March 1987.
Scott Marcus, Janet Mower, and Charles White, “Designing an
Ethernet Interface for the System/370”, Proc. IEEE CompCon,
September 1982.
Scott Marcus, Mower,
J., Malnati, P., and White, C., “System/370 Ethernet
Interface Architecture”, Spartacus Technical Report 820601,
June 1982.
Scott Marcus, “Performance
Analysis of Local Area Networks”, Proc. SHARE 60, 1982.